The Artist Statement about Visual Art
Quotes About Contemporary Art and THE meaning of observation
“The strength of art is not contained on any walls of any gallery, or in any different kind of art expression. The strength of art is in the conciseness of art observers throughout the history of humankind. ”
“What counts as an observation that can change reality is a strong impression of the art piece that can reach the collective unconsciousness. The observer uses his conclusions, impressions, and emotions about the art piece, subconsciously, as a powerful electromagnetic wave of his mind to influence and change something.”
“The most similar to observation of an art piece would be a prayer.”
“Artists are navigating human thoughts in order to create a new reality. ”
Visual Art is all about passing energy to other people through the symbols and vibration of lines, color wavelengths, and shapes of artwork in the space that surrounds it, while the meaning of the artwork is not only what composition actually presents, but a specific structure of that art piece, that makes a human being able to notice a beauty as a source of harmony. .
“ … Observation (of the artwork) will enlighten the observer’s mind that will start resonating with its own frequency, which will be as strong as the artwork’s composition is able to reach the collective unconsciousness…”
“Observers of art pieces are the whole point of every creation because they are creating the world the artist initially imagined just like the sea waves are shaping stones on a coast. And what is the shape of the art piece then? The shape of the art piece exists to transfer the energy not through physical material it is made of, but by the idea it contains, which makes the observer’s brain start resonating with a frequency that creates a new reality, during observation process. This happens when observer’s impression about artwork reaches the collective unconsciousness. ”
“…The result of this art journey was the discovery that my compositions are constructed to arrive at the finest level of quality in simplicity of vibration that opened the door to the balanced frequency of peace, which holds the observer in the the gravity of my art pieces…”
“…Construction of the art piece includes every detail set up carefully to create the rhythm of balanced colors, shapes, and shades. The finest compositions were serving as the bridge between modern technology in art and the traditional classical approach…”
“…Captivating artworks are accidentally attracting our attention because they remind us of something important in our lives. …While the mindfully organized composition is the alphabet we are discovering together with the latest achievements in science, where technology will be the next step in the future….How the artwork will be shaped and what energy it will resonate with, will depend on which direction the artist will take, while offering his art piece to be observed by the public...”
“As a matter of fact, the strongest impressions usually cannot be described by words, but by nonverbal communication, where the visual arts belong in the first place. I came up with the conclusion that the Great Works of Art, did not make people only spiritually enriched, but they are the major contributors to our civilization. Great works of Art are reflecting not only our impressions about them but the deepest wishes, which are following every human being. ”
“Changing the mood in the observer and trying to shift his thought process, to make him think positive by exposing that person to my creations, is only one of many things I am trying to achieve. I am not looking only for the psychological influence of the visual ads that are carrying the aesthetic value, visual harmony (Beauty), but my goal is actually to show that the achieved visual harmony in the art piece was created by following a rule of shaping that art form in many different ways (“code” or “rule”) so that the educated observer will not only be inspired to see it as art but in the same time to translate its purpose on the language of the modern science.
The Modern art of today will unite with modern science
Following videos are explanations of scientific facts in modern science created for education purpose. On this websote they are used to explain those facts and that way support the artist statement of the artist Marija Tanaskovic Papapdopoulos .
Physics breakthrough: Is the universe a giant hologram?
Researcher controls colleague’s motions in 1st human brain-to-brain interface
Here’s Why You Should Convert Your Music To 432 Hz
additional conclusion and explanation about the Contemporary artist statement :
“Today’s achievements in modern medicine, chemistry, and psychology, can include contemporary visual art as one of the sources for decoding the cure for many different diseases and much more than that.
As a matter of fact, Quantum physics defines the particle as the universal starting point for philosophical and mathematical analysis, is holding the “observer” as a vehicle of electromagnetic waves that is caring electrons of energy dispersed in a logical order, as the light we see.
As a matter of fact, the order of electrons is, also, scientifically proven and known today as the “wave interference.” That means that every single “thought” is made out of electromagnetic waves, which are rated through the observer’s brain as a specific structure that has a specific vibration and radiation. Our brain is a mechanism to notice, decide and influence the surroundings in a way that we can discover, by ourselves, by our own experience.
However, the electrons that surround us can multiply thanks to the brain waves because they are electro-magnetic in their nature, but they are created by our brain, which are triggering a new wave interference every time we observe something. It is Logical that the reach of the “waves” presented through the “interference pattern”, is increasing through time. This means that thoughts can spread within and over the bounders of our life, and have a crucial influence everywhere by their radiation.
Having beautiful and peaceful thoughts means deserving and getting the best in life.
The knowledge can help to achieve that state of mind.
So, Art could be understood as the knowledge stored for new science turnaround towards the new energy, which exists within us, and it could be, also, triggered by some visual ads if they would carry the powerful “aesthetic code”.
Today it is known that the human brain is using less than 10 % of its capacity and nothing more than that has been scientifically proven yet. However, by exploring art, we could move our understanding of the way we are living today because Art was always opening new doors of our psyche that we never even knew, existed…”