Artist Marija Tanaskovic Papadopoulos is part of the exclusive editorial project that will be curated by the art consultant Francesco Saverio Russo and the art critic Salvatore Russo. She will be published in the special column of the magazine Contemporary Celebrity Masters.
TOP ARTISTS – The Protagonists of Contemporary Art.The official presentation of the project will take place in Venice on May 18 in the prestigious Capitulary Hall of the Palace of St. Theodore (Great School of Saint Theodore)
The column "Top Artists, The Protagonists of contemporary art", was created with the intention of paying tribute to some of the best international artists. The aim is to suggest to gallery owners, art dealers, museum and collection directors, the contemporary interpreters in which is worth investing. Currently, the world art market takes into account not only the aesthetic value of the work, but also the professional and existential past of the author. The participation in the exhibitions, the publications and the awards obtained are then evaluated. In this project we will select artists that have already participated in previous events or exhibitions organized by us, as well as new creative individuals who are distinguishing themselves on the international scene.
The column will be part of the Contemporary Celebrity Masters vol. III, which will be presented on May 18 in Venice. Host city of the Biennale, the most important art event in the world.
This exclusive editorial project will be curated by the art consultant Francesco Saverio Russo and the art critic Salvatore Russo.
The 1st edition of the International Prize “PEGASUS for the Arts”
Takes place in Venice, at the Scuola Grande of San Teodoro.
The Prize is for the Artists that are worth for their artistic merit.Marija will be awarded on May 18th, 2023 at the Scuola Grande of San Teodoro - Venice, to the presence of collectors, journalists, politicians and art lovers.
If the artist will not be present at the awards ceremony, the prize will be sent home.
It is one of the most prestigious art awards awarded in the heart of Venice.
Also on "CONTEMPORARY CELEBRITY MASTERS" Vol. III you will find an article on the history of the Prize together with the artworks of the Artists participating.
The PEGASUS for the Arts is a recognition that is assigned to all those artists who have distinguished themselves over the years for their artistic research and for the stylistic value of their works of art.
The city of Venice was chosen because in addition to being the venue for the Biennale, it is a unique city in the world.
The Prize is intended for painters, sculptors, photographers, video artists, performers and digital artists.
Pegasus was, according to Greek mythology, a winged horse, connected to the myth of Bellerophon and Perseus. How this horse came to be is, to say the least, unusual. Her mother was Medusa, the Gorgon famous, in her youth, for her beauty, in particular for her flowing hair, who married Poseidon, god of the sea and horses. Unfortunately, the union between Medusa and Poseidon took place in the temple of the goddess Athena (goddess of wisdom, war, the arts and justice), who, enraged by the outrage suffered by her temple, transformed Medusa into a monster with a covered with snakes, whose gaze turned men into stones. When Perseus beheaded Medusa, Pegasus, the winged horse, and Chrysaor, a warrior armed with a sword, magically came out of her neck. Legend has it that Pegasus, having come out of Medusa's neck (for some, from the blood poured onto the ground), had drank at the Pirene spring, on the road that led to the sanctuary of Poseidon, then had flown to Mount Helicon while a race was in progress singing between the muses and the Pierides. Pegasus, moved by the sweetness of the song, had struck, with a lunate hoof, Mount Helicon, which had risen up to the sky and caused Hippocrene, "the horse's spring", to gush forth, from which the Muses would quench their thirst, nourishing their inspiration, to then fly to Olympus singing with a sublime voice.
Thus Pegasus, who had caused the spring of the Muses to flow, became the emblem of creative imagination, poetic fury and inspiration.
Because of his appeal to the creative imagination, we can say that Pegasus is the true witness of the birth of all the Arts.
The curators of the Award are Dr. Salvatore Russo and Dr. Francesco Saverio Russo
Venice is a cultural center of great interest, for a long time meeting place of great artists and the works exposed in the galleries of the museums are visited by tourists from the whole world.
Venice is a city that loves art and, besides the museums and the monuments, it boasts of magnificent theaters and exceptional music auditoriums, perfect for representations and concerts of classical music. Venice is built on 117 islands; it has 150 canals and 400 bridges. The hub of public life is Piazza San Marco, where tourist and citizens sit on the terraces of the famous Florian, is the best-known café, and Quadri Cafés. The shops in San Marco have sumptuous window displays of lace, jewelry, mirrors and the famous glassware from Murano.
The Mercerie, shopping streets, lead to the Ponte di Rialto. Quartiere de’ Frari and Santa Maria Formosa have a certain peaceful charm with their brick facades and silent canals. Meals in the trattorie are among the attractions of Venice. Consist in sea-food accompanied by the pleasant local wines. For centuries gondolas have been the traditional means of transport in Venice. Now they are the quintessence of Romantic Venice.
The Scuola Grande di San Teodoro is an ancient Venetian brotherhood. The oldest as an institution but the most recent of the six "historic" grand schools, it will be over a hundred years before another is elevated to the status of grande.
The actual school was established in 1258, the first of those that would become Great, at the church of San Salvador then of the Augustinian Canons.
In 1261 the remains of Saint Theodore arrived in Venice from Constantinople and were solemnly placed in an altar of the church. The school undertook with the fathers to keep it illuminated and to provide for the decoration of the chapel and in 1333 the vault of the chapel was finished. Even more importance was achieved when in 1450 the Venetian Senate again assumed San Teodoro as co-patron of the city. In the meantime the School was gaining more and more popularity for its charitable activities. Especially for the distribution of meals to the poor on holidays, meals that were prepared by the brothers in the room rented from the fathers and equipped for the purpose. In 1552 it was elevated to Scuola Grande.
In 1807 the School was suppressed by the Napoleonic authorities with the consequent confiscation of the valuables. Since then the building was used for various uses, when in 1960 at the behest of the patriarch Urbani the Scuola di San Teodoro was reconstituted and in 1995 it returned to being the owner of the building.
Awarded Artist will be eligible for:
- A page into the art book CONTEMPORARY Celebrity Masters Vol. III in the section dedicated to the “International Prize PEGASUS for the Arts”.
- A page into the official catalog of the event “International Prize PEGASUS for the Arts”
- Conferment of the “International Prize Pegasus for the Arts” (precious customized sculpted trophy).
- A copy of the art book CONTEMPORARY Celebrity Masters Vol. III
- A copy of the catalog “International Prize PEGASUS for the Arts”.
- Video EXPO the 18th may of 1 artwork in the Great School of San Teodoro.
06 May 2023 opening, "Water & Bread are enough for everyone"
International Group Exhibition in "NİĞDE the city located in Cappadocia in Turkey.