First Foreign Artist Recognized by big Art jury in Incheon Cultural Center in Korea - The First Foreign “Invited Artist” recognition

Marija Tanaskovic Papadopoulos is the First foreign Artist in history of Korea with a recognition Invited Artist gotten from big international jury that numbers hundreds of professional artists and critics that work in this Cultural center. The artist’s recognition started a new tradition in this country. Now here we can see international exhibition anually that is followed by many Korean Art Societies and galleries and museums where many good artists from around the world are participating. The exhibitions of this sort are rare because Incheon Cultural center organizes jured presentations with contemporary living fine artists, than are shaping a new history of art today. In this wonderful cultural exhange the big Cultural Center inIncheon Metropolitan City became not only domestic Korean but important International cultural destination for contemporary fine artists all around the world.

Certification plaque English content:

"Invited Artist Certification Plaque"

Marija Tanaskovic Papadopoulos-USA, Serbia

This person Hosted by this association

In accordance with the Incheon Metropolitan Art Exhibition Operation Regulations

Selected as an invited artist I will give you this certificate

November 28, 2020

Incheon Metropolitan City Branch of the National Arts Association

International Subcommittee Chair : Yoo Choong Yeul

Chairman : Yun Byong Ho

Incheon Metropolitan Invited Artist Exhibition Art Contest November 2020 in Incheon Metropolitan City Cultural Center
Sponsorship: Korean National Assembly, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Sejong Center for Culture and Arts, Korea

Artists and  Approved by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
and Government of the Republic of Korea
First Foreign Artists in the history who received the "Invited Artist Certificate".
Special Thanks to Famous Korean Artist Yoo Chong Yeul for a great organization, and warm acceptance of all the participants.