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Internationaly recognized Chicago Contemporary Fine Artist
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Fine Art Prints and Graphic Designs
Oil on canvas
Soft Pastels
Graphic design
Publications and recognitions
Top Ten Contemporary Artists
Great Masters of Contemporary Art
Art Universal The Great Encyclopedia of Contemporary Art 2020.
Florence Biennale 2011
21st Century Art book and Shakespeare Award
Cover Page of The Book - Important World Artists
ATIM's Top 60 Contemporary Masters
2017 Best Modern and Contemporary Artists
2015 Best Modern and Contemporary Artists
Art Book by Studio Byblos - Art World
Effeto Arte Magazine Cover - Self Portrait in the mirror
Art Book International Contemporary Masters #3
2014 Best Modern and Contemporary Artists
Art Album by Studio Byblos
New York Arts Magazine - Top 10 for 2010 and international guide for the internet
Critical Text from Magazine "Projetto Arte" by Alessandro Costanza
Boulevard of Light - Novel of Ilija Saula
Collectors Art Prize
The 1st Donatello Award | Art Magazine Contemporary Celebrity Masters
The 1st Foreign Invited Artist in History of Korea
Apollo Award by Italia in Arte and Francesco Di Assisi - Human Rights Award
David of Bernini Award by Italia in Arte
Minerva Award by Italia in Arte
Botticelli Award
Marco Polo - Artist Ambasador Award
Michelangelo Award
Leonardo Da Vinci Award
Genius of Art - recognition by Critics
NOTO Award
Milano Tiepolo Award
2017 Golden Palm of Monte Carlo curated by Art Expo Gallery jury
Oscar Academy Awards for the best Artist in honor of cinematography by Foundation Costanza
2017 Oscar Academy Awards given by Art Expo gallery Jury
Permanent Exposition in Europe Art museum in Denmark
Permanent Exposition in Haegeumgag theme museum about Nature, Environment, Human, Coexistence
The 17th Incheon Metropolitan City Arts Exhibition
The 18h Incheon Metropolitan City Arts Exhibition
The 23 Korean Grand Art Exhibition 2017
About The Contemporary Fine Artist
Artist Statement
Past Projects and Exhibitions
Current Projects and Exhibitions
Future Projects and Exhibitions
Artists statement supporting videos
Minerva award
atim videos
david bernini videos
Videos about the Artist
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My Account
Internationaly recognized Chicago Contemporary Fine Artist
Buy Artworks
Fine Art Prints and Graphic Designs
Oil on canvas
Soft Pastels
Graphic design
Publications and recognitions
Top Ten Contemporary Artists
Great Masters of Contemporary Art
Art Universal The Great Encyclopedia of Contemporary Art 2020.
Florence Biennale 2011
21st Century Art book and Shakespeare Award
Cover Page of The Book - Important World Artists
ATIM's Top 60 Contemporary Masters
2017 Best Modern and Contemporary Artists
2015 Best Modern and Contemporary Artists
Art Book by Studio Byblos - Art World
Effeto Arte Magazine Cover - Self Portrait in the mirror
Art Book International Contemporary Masters #3
2014 Best Modern and Contemporary Artists
Art Album by Studio Byblos
New York Arts Magazine - Top 10 for 2010 and international guide for the internet
Critical Text from Magazine "Projetto Arte" by Alessandro Costanza
Boulevard of Light - Novel of Ilija Saula
Collectors Art Prize
The 1st Donatello Award | Art Magazine Contemporary Celebrity Masters
The 1st Foreign Invited Artist in History of Korea
Apollo Award by Italia in Arte and Francesco Di Assisi - Human Rights Award
David of Bernini Award by Italia in Arte
Minerva Award by Italia in Arte
Botticelli Award
Marco Polo - Artist Ambasador Award
Michelangelo Award
Leonardo Da Vinci Award
Genius of Art - recognition by Critics
NOTO Award
Milano Tiepolo Award
2017 Golden Palm of Monte Carlo curated by Art Expo Gallery jury
Oscar Academy Awards for the best Artist in honor of cinematography by Foundation Costanza
2017 Oscar Academy Awards given by Art Expo gallery Jury
Permanent Exposition in Europe Art museum in Denmark
Permanent Exposition in Haegeumgag theme museum about Nature, Environment, Human, Coexistence
The 17th Incheon Metropolitan City Arts Exhibition
The 18h Incheon Metropolitan City Arts Exhibition
The 23 Korean Grand Art Exhibition 2017
About The Contemporary Fine Artist
Artist Statement
Past Projects and Exhibitions
Current Projects and Exhibitions
Future Projects and Exhibitions
Artists statement supporting videos
Minerva award
atim videos
david bernini videos
Videos about the Artist
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